When i use this program y is the quality so bad, the sound gets about 3-5 minutes ahead of the video after 2 hours and the video gets much worse after it is joined than before. Am i doing something wrong? Is it just a bad program? If so, what other free programs are there that i can use?
Dear 281330, Can you be a bit more specific re. what kind of files are you trying to join (e.g. avi, mpeg), what programs have you been using, do you have all the necesary codecs etc.?
Hi 281330, You do have to provide a little more information than you have so far to be helped. What program exactly ? What does it do ? Convert files from one format to another as scf_au inquired ? When you say "join", do you mean join 2 files together such as DVD2One does OR does your program join 2 rendering files together such as DivXtoDVD does ? As we're not there with you, you'll have to tell us the version of your program so we can tell if you're using something out-of-date or not. Then the question arises again, what type of files are you working with ? Perhaps, if you're downloading files from the net, the files are at fault OR, have you had this problem with each and every file you worked with while using your program ? INFORMATION IN = SOLUTIONS ) Cheers, Pete PS Hi scf_au, just wanted to add my wordy response ~ hope you didn't mind Be sea'n ya, hope you have a good holiday - "P"
the program is called media join and im trying to join 3 avi files together. In other words im combining 3 avi files into one. And yes its bad for all files.
Dear 281330, If you're trying to encode and burn all 3 avis to dvd, you could try use e.g. ConvertXToDVD (just add the 3 avis at one go). If you just want to join them into one avi, you may first try use some more reliable programs (e.g. Power Video Converter, Advanced X Video Converter). Unfortunately, these are not freeware. Good luck!
It's not possible to join several random AVI videos. All videos need to be exactly the same, same video codec, same audio codec, same video bitrate, same audio bitrate, same framerate, same resolution, etc.