media that's "hot" literally

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by spike2000, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. spike2000

    spike2000 Member

    May 19, 2004
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    I've been having concerns with my dvd burner a Lite-ON SOHW-1693S, after burning a couple of disks or Extracting files from them (Both DVD and CD's) I notice they start to head up after I eject them, . While I was thiking it was just something i hadn't notice before I have decided to take no risks and ask for some advice. I read on labels on blank media that its dangerous to leave it in the sun or in a hot place. Am I worring about nothing or should I go ahead and buy a new burner.
  2. BlinkN

    BlinkN Regular member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    Any media regardless if it's a CD or DVD will always heat up in a drive (some may not heat up as much as others). This is due to drive spinning the media so fast that it causes friction. If you're not sure what I mean, take both your hands and rub them together real fast. What happens to your hands afterwords? It heats up. That alone will not be enough to damage any media. It will cool off afterwords. I wouldn't worry.

    The warnings you see on blank media regarding leaving in direct sun or in hot places is put their for a reason. Here's an example. Say you burn yourself an audio disc to playback in your car stereo, after your done listening to your CD, you eject it and leave it on a car seat on a pipping, hot day with alot of sun. Mind your, the burned side is exposed. This will cause the dye to ware out and ruin the data.
  3. spike2000

    spike2000 Member

    May 19, 2004
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    Thanks for the responce, now i'll stop worrying about my disk and my drive for that matter

    Note* I know believe that the problem was due to the Drive setting set to PIO mode.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2006

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