Just to start things off, I'm new at burning DVD's, and this is the first itme i've tried burning them. Anyways, I open up ImgBurn and at the bottom it will always say "Device not ready (Medium not Present) I'm using Maxell DVD-RW 4.7 GB DVD's And my DVD burner is a LITE-ON DVD+RW SOHW 802S Can someone please help me! Thanks.
Doesn't that drive just use + type media? That would be +R and +RW. If you're using -R or -RW the drive won't be able to recognize those types. I think it can be crossflashed to a burner that'll use both types + and -. I'll try to find that for you.
Here's a link to the relevant page: http://codeguys.rpc1.org/dvdrw_overview.html I believe you want the firmware for the 832. Your 802 is in the 2nd generation along with the 832. Follow the directions in the link at the top of the page for crossflashing within the same generation. It isn't necessary to do this unless you want to use -R type media. The drive is old anyway. You might be better off just getting a newer one that does both media types as well as DL. BenQ and NEC burners are around $38 at Newegg this weekend with free 3-day shipping.
Again, I'm new at this so i go to this page http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1979 And what do I do? I went to the crossflashing instructions, and they're 4 methods. Method 1: OmniPatcher (universal method) Method 2: Pre-Patched (only when a pre-patched crossflashing firmware is available) Method 3: CGxx (only for @832S) Method 4: The EEPROM Utility Which method would you recommend? ------------------------------------------------ I downloaded the Fireware, and tried to upload the EXE. with OmniPatcher, and got an error: Unable to process this .EXE file! Please make sure that the file is valid and unscrambled. If this Firmware flasher is scrambled/compressed, you should consider an unscrambled viersion of the flasher from one of the two websites: -http://dhc014.rpc1.org/indexOEM.htm -http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares.html Any help would be great.
I think I would first flash the 812 firmware to the 802 and turn the 802 into the 812. These are the same types so you should just have to download the USOS firmware for model 812 from here: http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares.html The firmware is likely an rar archive that needs extracting. I don't know if it is an executable or requires the patcher application. Next there is a patched crossflash for the 812 to an 832 here: http://codeguys.rpc1.org/firmwares.html Scroll down the page to the CG5J firmware for the model 832 and flash that. I guess this should work but I can't provide any guarantees. Your drive is out of warranty anyway I would guess. Crossflashing firmware voids any warranty you might have and can destroy a burner if something goes wrong, although unlikely.
Download the firmware for the model 812 from the site in the link. It will be down a ways in the list under the heading: DVD±RW Drives (Half-Height/Desktop) The firmware archive is labeled: USOS - stock Open the downloaded archive with WinRAR. You can download this if you don't already have it here: http://www.win-rar.com/download.html Double click the executable file: 812S.US0S.stock.exe Hopefully it will locate and accept your burner and flash the firmware. If the firmware flash is successful, yout burner will be a model 812 and not a model 802. The next step is to repeat for the model 832 firmware. I'd probably stick to +R media anyway. I seldom use -R. I'd probably just get a new burner. There's been lots of improvement in the last year.
Thank you, the medium not present problem is gone, and the green arrow is finally clickable which means I can burn the DVD. After I click the green arrow though, it says I/O Error Device: [2:0:0] LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW-8325 VSOM (E ATA) ScsiStatus: 0x02 Interpretation: Check Condition CDB 53 00 00 00 00 00 24 24 88 00 Interpretation: Reserve track- Sectors: 2,368,648 Sense Area: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 INterpretation: Invalid field in CDB What does this all mean?