Just a few questions for those would would know 1) What is the exact number of members on AD? 2) How many members on average join every month? 3) How many members are: a) Junior Members b) Members c) Senior Members d) After Dawn Addicts 4) Whats the number of: a) Moderators b) Admins on AD
Admins are dRD Ketola Dela Ankle Siggy Davedough Lethal_B waiski krimu Pihlis teemu Kata Agent_007 Goodness knows how many mods there are... [bold]too many[/bold]!! *runs* (",)
AfterDawn.com has now over 536,000 registered members (we get about 11,000 new members each month) and since our launch back in 1999, we have served over 61 million software downloads, almost one billion page impressions and have hopefully managed to help at least couple of our users with their digital video problems ..... Quoted from June 29 news article
Haha, a teacher learning how to tweak and burn, does a flip to turn, crashes and burns, get bleached and permed. Blackened burned body, broken leg, fractured jaw, white hair. At least he has pretty curls and he knows how to burn DVD's. On to a point, 536,000 was in June. I've seen more noobs lately than ever. Any way to get a closer number to what it is now?
Haha, good one mate. I feel stupid now, thanks. I was hoping for an exact number, I don't know why, just curious.