Hi There! I Just bougth the DVD MemOires of a Geisha and on the package is writing High Definition Mastered. I try to make one backup of the DVD with DVD Shrink, Shrink to 5, also try to copy to hard drive and alloways have the same error. What I can do. Tanks for the Help
Seaman , Welcome to the forum. Rip the disk to HD using DVDFAB Decrypter then use Shrink. You might have to use VobBlanker to correct the DVD structure before you use Shrink. Below is a guide and you can use Shrink instead of Recode if you want to: Alkohol's Guide: http://www.k-probe.com/backup-newly-release-DVD-DVDFAB-Decrypter-VobBLanker-Nero-Recode-2.php VobBlanker: http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm DVDFAB Decrypter: http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm
or you can use the combo of AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 which is the easiest method by far imo. They both have free trials so you can see how you like them.
Hi There! Tanks for your help. I just finish the backup of my "Memories of a Geisha" and that work fine. Tanks again seaman