Any users of MOT? If so, do you know if any other video transitions are compatible with this program?
I have used MemoriesOnTv and it is limited to approx. 24 transistions effect.. on their latest version 2.5 ! If you are looking for a more professionnal software , may I suggest you have a look at [bold]ProShow Gold[/bold] that has [bold]200 transistions+[/bold] and loads of features you do not have in MOT. Of course it is more expensive but still very reasonable compared to Adobe Video Collection 2.5 Hope this helps you prepare your next show ! Regards !
Thanks for the reply..I had the box checked; however did not get an email notification that someone responded. Yes I do have tried ProShow and still find MOT faster to use-I found proshow took so long to add my video (avi)files...and I use a lot of them. When I insert them in MOT, they go in IMMEDIATELY. 24 transitions is quite low compared to ProShow, was kinda hoping that some other transitions could be added to MOT. I notice they show up as .dll in the plug in folder and I tried to add some other .dll's to it; however, they did not go into the effects area.
Smiles ... wonder what version of ProShow you have.. the Gold version 2.5.1635.. ? Registered with PhotoDex.... ?? Avi files in mine ..load instantly !!
I had to open it to see the version - just read proshow gold. It shows 2.5, I'm going to see who has the 2.51635 and try it then, thx for the info. I will get back to you if I encounter a problem with it..and see if you can give me more input.
Icouldnt figure out how to import the video's maybe I'm doing it wrong, I just opened the file folder where my avi's were and dragged them to the timeline. Some of them took at least 1 minute to import into the timeline. IN MOT, this was almost immediate (there is an import feature) (so If i use 30 avi's, that's like wasting 30 minutes)
If you're gonna be using videos, you will be better off with something like Windows Movie Maker. If you're mostly into animating stills, check out I just described it in another thread here
I do use windows movie maker a lot. (there's only about 60 transitions) Will try out the other program you mentioned. Thanks.