I just downloaded this program to test my RAM recently, don't really know much about this program, and how does it determines if a ram is faulty. But i recieved over 3993 errors while leaving my comp on for about 2 hours as the result. Is this normal? Does this mean something is badly wrong with my ram? Maybe thats why my computer keeps crashing... And if this program is accurate, how do I fix the RAM errors? Or there is no such function in memstick86?
yeah i would say that the cause of your crash so if you can get it replaced then do so. do you have anymore ram that you could try in the computer?
I don't have any other rams to try out. I'm wondering though, since i have 3x kingston 2gb rams, maybe if i can find and take out the faulty ram. My problem will be fixed? Or is that potentionally harmful to take out 1 RAM? Also, when 1 ram has errors, does that mean the other 2 most likely has errors as well?
ok well in that case try each stick of ram by its self until you find the back one and no not because one stick is bad that doesn't mean all of them are bad. also if you get rid of the bad one your problem should go away.