micro SD freezes when copying games files

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by weshud01, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. weshud01

    weshud01 Member

    Sep 14, 2009
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    I bought an R4 (clone) for my DS lite and was able to get it working once I found the right firmware. I have a 2GB and 4GB micro SD card with a "games' folder. For months I was able to download games onto the SD cards using the adaptor that came with them without issue until recently when it "freezes" during the copying process. The existing games on the card still work perfectly in the DS and I can register the cards on my PC and see the files on them, but cannot copy new games on, or delete games off. I bought a third card which I formatted using the Panasonic format software in case the other 2 had a corruption, but the brand new card does the same thing.

    The actual error message is: "Cannot copy cannot find the specified file". I have to pull the card reader out of the USB port to unfreeze the PC. I have 2 card readers and the same thing happens with both so I don't think the adaptors are the problem.

    Does anyone know what's wrong?
  2. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    1. What kind of R4 did you buy? Are you sure that it can take 4GB microSD?

    2. MicroSD is bad or counterfeit.

    3. USB/microSD adapter is bad. (even if you tried 2) Typically they go bad before anything else. I have 10 and 4 went bad in normal use.

    "The actual error message is: "Cannot copy cannot find the specified file"."

    4. This typically indicates a problem with the SOURCE (on your PC) file. Have you tried copying the file in your PC from one diorectory/disk to another to verify that it is good?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  3. weshud01

    weshud01 Member

    Sep 14, 2009
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    Hi Dailun

    Thanks for your response:

    1. Yes, the 4GB and 2GB cards both work in the R4 and have done since January. The games currently on the cards are still working on the DS too.

    2. Bought all 3 cards from Dick Smiths so certainly hoping they are not counterfeit!!

    4. I am able to successfully copy the new games files from PC to a normal USB stick just can't get them on to the micro SD.

    That leaves me with your option 3 - adaptor problem. In light of your success ratio this does now seem likely so I will try a different card reader/adaptor and see if I have any luck.

    Thanks again for your response.
  4. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    I would only suspect the 4GB card to be counterfeit.

    A simple test.

    1. Backup the contents of the 4GB card.
    2. Format the card.
    3. Copy 2GB (or close to it) of files to the microsd card.
    4. Copy a file that takes the contents over 2GB to the microSD card.
    5. Copy (or read back the last file)

    If it fails, card is defective or may be counterfeit (2GB card masquerading as a 4GB card)

    If it passes, card is probably good.

    Readers are cheap. try that first.


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