Microsoft Kernel GS Wavetable Synthesizer Driver Help please

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by no1gamer, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. no1gamer

    no1gamer Member

    Jul 18, 2005
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    i need some help bcuz i have a mp3 player that use to work on my computer but after i had to restore my computer my comp stopped reading it and so i opened device manager and there were to unkown devices one under sound video and game controllers and the other under usb controllers so i put 2 and 2 toghether and figured one problem caused the other... so when i troubleshoot it it always attempts to install Microsoft Kernel GS Wavetable Synthesizer but it never does instead i get this message

    an error ocurred during the instalation of the device
    Data Error(cyclic redundancy check)

    hopefully some one can help me cuz its frustrating and i dont trust best buy(where i bought my laptop) cuz last time they tried to f*** me over
  2. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    This error is mainly because the CD is scratched dirty, smudged and needs cleaning thats why u can't install the file.

    If your windows works fine minus this just try to doo a google search for that specific kernel and install it via the file of the net. That way you should not get that error.

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