I went to windows update and it gave me a bunch of stuff to "update" except for the Microsoft Virtual Machine. I'm running xp pro sp2 and the little yellow "waning sign with an exclamation on it" tells me to download and install the updates. SO, i do. Restart it tells me. So, I do. Then it all happens again. It's like it's not installing properly or i have something wrong with my "Microsoft Virtual Machine". This is the error message i'm getting "This setup will only upgrade over an existing version of the Microsoft VM. What is it and how do i get rid of it?
Microsoft VM is no longer supported by MS...that's why its free. I don't know how to stop the update with MS VM but im sure it's in the settings somewhere.
Try uninstalling and installing VM. You will not loose you virtual hard discs. You just have to readd them in after you install again.
good advice jziman but how do you make the updates go away with MS VM? Besides what does uninstalling and reinstalling have to do with updates?
I'm kinda lost here................is Microsoft Virtual Machine the same thing as Java? And if it is can I just remove it out of add/remove then just go to java.com and reinstall or update?
i dont know much on vm but if you can it couldnt hurt to uninstall it and try the latest java software from http://java.sun.com/ , good luck.
Sorry for the delay in responding. I had the same issue with my VM on my home pc. I have to use it for a online Linux admin class. So it is imperitive that it works properly. After many tries at fixing and installing i had a word with my teacher. I uninstalled and reinstalled and have not had a issue with it since then. Also make sure that it is the most up to date version. Mine is currently SP1 5.3.582.27. I am running in WIN XP home SP2 with all the latest updates. If you keep having issues you could also try using vm ware (Also Free!!!). I know a couple other people that are using it and they seem to like. Let me know if this is any help you. Thanks. Also Java and virtual machine or Virtual PC are not the same thing. They are not related. So at this juncture I would not be concerned about the Java. It automaticly updates itself.