I just installed a XenoGC in my GC, and it runs games on full-sized DVDs perfectly, so it works. What Mini DVD-R's have you all been using RECENTLY, that I can get in the United States (internet order)? I've tried these Riteks: http://www.meritline.com/ritek-ridata-4x-double-side-dvd-r-mini-292.html but they don't work. Yes, I've adjusted the POT. My default POT was 146, and I've tried as low as 80 with no luck! Full sized DVD's work great at 146. No, I don't want to order a full-sized case cover since the cheapest I've found is $20 + $10 shipping. Even though I'd save money on discs, I'd have to burn 50 discs to break even on this case cover. Unless anyone can find the full-size DVD cover any cheaper. Thanks
I just recently ordered Maxell MiniDVD's from Nierle that had the mediacode RITEKG04 and they work perfect (When ordering from Nierle you can see the mediacode before you order). I am not 100% sure if Nierle ships to USA but I don't see why they wouldn't. Anyway, those discs are working fine for me.