I made the mistake of letting Showtime be my default MP3 player when I installed it. I prefer JetAudio, a great little MP3 player. I changed things back in Showtime to elminate automatic playing of MP3 files, and I changed the default in the "Open with" area, but I keep getting a notice from "WinPatrol File Type Change Alert" that Nero has changed the default for MP3s back to Showtime. I click "No," that this change is not okay, but the change keeps recurring. Any suggestions? Merci Stan
I think that I licked the problem myself. I went into JetAudio and found a place to click MP3 default. The other clicks weren't clicking. Other than that, I like Nero Showtime--except for it's frequent attempts to access the Web. It's a jungle out there. Thanks anyhow. Stan
nice one, i subscribed to the thread but guessed you'd suss it out, that kinda stuff is real simple.. Nero Showtime must have a setting where it's looking for updates maybe ?, if it's trying to access the web i mean (sorry,i don't use Showtime so am just summising)