ok i installed a modchip and its installed right and everything. but when i try to turn it on with my xbox it turnes the xbox on and off three times then workes normaly but has a blank screen. so if you can help me please do. cuz me and my dad put it together and i want to show him that it works so please help. thanx
did you solder because that is a frag motherboard error i would check all of the solderpoints again and make sure you didnt put no solder on the motherboard if that dont work i would remove the modchip and see if it works normal if not then your xbox is done.....
ok im just wondering when you solder are you supose to solder the pin header cuz thats what the directions say but im not sure so. yea
ok i looked at the motherboard and i didnt solder the mother board at all. so do you know what the problem might be cuz before i put in the modchip ive had error code 16 . so can you help me fix this problem. thnx
i got the xenium gold modchip for the xbox and i wanted to no if it is a good modchip because i want to mod halo2 so if can tell me if it is ggod
well how does it work does a screen pop up that tells u how to mod stuff or do u have to download it or wut comment me back
well first you need to install the modchip....have you installed it yet??after you install it you will need to flash the bios..
how do u flash the bios my xbox just keeps glowing green and red and it wont show the screen so wut did i do wrong ... need help
what is the adapter is that the one thing with hella wires comming out of the end of it. like colorful wires. cuz thats my extra peice and i dont know what to do with it.