Modchip's working, but not really

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by iOXeR, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. iOXeR

    iOXeR Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    I'm probably not going to have access to a computer this weekend so I'll try to put this into the most detail I possibly can so you guys can help me with this.

    Recently I decided to install a solderless adapter for my modchip as the wires soldered to the motherboard were getting old and broken. Anyway, I installed it, put the d0 wire in place, and booted the Xbox. For some reason it seems like the modchip didn't work. I got an error screen with the modchip enabled and disabled, without a number of the error, just the "your xbox needs service" message. I installed a larger HD (120 GB, Western Digital) when I originally put in the modchip, so I believe that is why I get the error message. Why do I think this? Because I put in my original HD and it booted up the M$ dash. This then led me to believe the problem lies in my modchip or possibly the adapter. The front light on the xbox is flashing red and green. The modchip has its normal blue light lit up. The adapter has its blue light and also a red light lit up. This is a version 1.0 xbox. I put in a newer Samsung disc drive. I have an Xecuter 2.6 (Lite, I think). I have an xapt3r solderless adapter. The modchip switches on the front are set to 1) ON 2) HD 3)1st Bank [where my bios is].

    Thanks in advance
  2. veredes

    veredes Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    The xbox is most likely not finding the modchip and then it cannot boot to an unlocked hard drive.

    Check all connections on the solderless adapter (specially d0). Does the new 120Gb hard drive have an os on it, and is it unlocked or locked?
  3. iOXeR

    iOXeR Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    I thought that might have been what was happening.

    I was reading elsewhere on the internet and it said that the d0 wire was in the correct place if the red light was on. (which it is) I'll be checking everything over again anyway.

    It isn't new per se. I used it before with my xbox. It has a dashboard and everything on it.

    Thanks for the reply.

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