*Sigh It is illegal to post a halo map file on the internet. U can find ppfs tho(patches) at www.halomaps.com and www.halomods.com. If you want to do your own modz, I recommend www.xboxrevamped.tk which has the best halo2moding tutorial ever writen.
I will send anyone all of my maps for a total of just $5 through paypal or two 2 month free trials. They are host spawn mods with a 50-0 victory in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds. UNBEATABLE. When not host, auto BR, auto Snipe, and of course always fast running fast jumping and many more not needed features because all you need is spawn auto AIM BR and 50-0 win.....you will LOVE them. Send me a private message and i will tell you how to pay through paypal for these great mods. most websites sell 2 dollars PER map im selling 5 for ALL of them....take advantage of offer.....
thats what i meant the ppf patch things. every place keeps changin thm. i don think there even at slashbomb anymore.
Dude ill give you my maps for free or you can just go to a4h.us for ok mods but if you want spawn mods use dothalo and you can also get that at a4h.us so go NOW!!