modded xbox, emulator

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by dap1680, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. dap1680

    dap1680 Guest

    ok im new to all of this stuff so please excuse me. well back around december of "05" my hd went bad in my xbox. i took it to this little game shop and the guy there says he would give me a modded xbox for my old unit. cool, i go home and get my xbox and go back to the store. he says give him bout 3 days and he'll have it ready for me. 3 days later the store is closed, they went out of business. i eventually get ahold of the owner and explain everything to them. they say they'll call me shortly with a solution. well i got an xbox, its modded with the evolution mod chip i believe. what is this and what is it capable of? i never got to really ask the owner because they were in a rush. thanks also how do i emulate nes and snes games??
  2. Tweeder

    Tweeder Regular member

    May 12, 2006
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    Holy lucky! You hit the jackpot.

    First thing you should do if your into media is getting the media center for it. It's amazing. You can also play backup games if that's your thing.
  3. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    OK, first off find out exactly what chip is is if you can. I do not know what an Evolution chip is, but i do know there is a dashboard that a lot of modded systems have called evolutionX, or EvoX for short. This is the dashboard and not the chip.
    But to make it easy a chip can do just about anything you could want. Let me start the long list and people can add to it.
    1. You can swap out the hard drive for a larger one, i did and stuck in a 250GB one so all my games would fit.
    2. You can FTP between the PC and Xbox. Meaning that you can get a downloaded item lie a dashboard, skin, game, emulator, rom and so on and then transfer it from the PC to the Xbox hard drive
    3. You can do the above and put the latest version of XBMC (xbox media player) on it to listen to internet radio stations, stream music files from your PC to Xbox, Stream movie files from the PC to Xbox to be watched on the TV.
    4. There are a number of dashboards you can choose from to use and hundreds of different skins for those dashboards
    5. you can learn how to make back up discs and play games from the back up disc saving the original from ever getting damaged. and if you feel like being a pirate you can learn about downloading games and putting those on discs and playing those. which a modded system can do.
    6. you can use auto installer discs like Slayer 2.6 or AID 3.0 to install may programs, dashboards, apps, skins, emulators & roms all from one easy disc.
    7. you can learn about downloading and find discs called BAED (Big Ass Emulator Disc) that have tons of emulators and roms on them from all different system. Each one has about 14,000 games and the emulators to play them. This saves HDD space because you can play them from the disc.
    8. you can learn to mod your dashboards INI file and make menu's appear the way you would like them to. Like putting links to all your most used program right on the main screen.

    Ok that is enough for me, let others add some more.
  4. Tweeder

    Tweeder Regular member

    May 12, 2006
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    Good post Steimy
  5. dap1680

    dap1680 Guest

    thanks for the info, now the next question is how do i get/use an emulator. i have since gotten an xbox 360 and want to get all of the older games from nes and snes for my daughter to play. any links would be helpful. also since im new to this i need step by step instructions.
  6. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    The 3 ways i know are:
    1. FTP the emulators and roms to the Xbox hard drive. Most modded Xbox's already have a folder called emulators or something. Are you sure you do not already have some on there? If not you would need to create this folder and then FTP them into it from the PC.

    2. find a torrent site that has BAED discs and download them and burn to DVD

    3. Get an auto installer disc from a torrent site, it will have a ton of emulators and roms and will install them all correctly onto your hard drive in one easy step.

    If you need links to some of this you will have to PM me as it is against the rules to post them.
  7. xodome

    xodome Guest

    Can you supply me directions on switching the xbox hard drive ??? I got my Xbox in 2002 LOL so i know the exploit softmod will work yesss. But I need to Swap the hardrives because the stock one is horrible only 5 stinky gigs can barley out a game on it. And in the fourms they said the newer xbox games fried there system and all of this hype about how it ruined it and i was wondering if i Back up a newer game will it fry my SOFTMODDED xbox ???? And personally how do the MAME emulator play ??? Does CPS2 games like Maervel vs capcom the whol marvel capcom vs series like that run good??? at full speed no bugs slow downs mess upsss?? And can you point me in some good directions on installing a new XBOX hard drive ?? Which one should i do first.......Softmod then install new hard drive OR install new hard drive then softmod ???
    thanks man i apprectiate it if u could help me out bud

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