Hey you guys, its drxthirst and im back! I got a new computer because my old one broke (thats why i havent been on in a while) and since Ive gotten a new computer Ive gotten Visual Basic 2005 and Ive been making some apps. And these apps include tutorials. ======================================================================= I just got into a new clan on xbl and we're semi-pro, and we have a website, and they asked me to make a program for their clan. And so I made a basic App with some basic features and I though about releasing it here, so if anyone wants to use it for their clan, you can just edit the code to your liking. I did this all by myself, except for some code from -DeToX- !! Sneak Peek! Click Here To Download ===================================================================== This is my 2nd app, as well as my 2nd tutorial. This is a tutorial in app form. It tells you how to do bsp conversions, as well as how to move player spawns , weapon spawns, and other spawns back to their original place. I would like to thank detox for his amazing abilities! 8) Anyways, heres the pix and the descriptions... Main Menu Extras - 9 Choices Tutorial Images Click Here To Download ==================================================================== This is just a little app I created because most people dont know how to add trees with full collision to a map. So heres some pix and the download. .:IX::. Click Here To Download =================================================================== This is my first APP as well as my first tutorial. The APP includes the tutorial, pix, downloads, help and an about button. This wouldn't have been done if it wasn't for detox! 8) Click Here To Download ==================================================================== How To Fix (Some) Maps after a bsp conversion. .::ICON::. .::Main Menu::. Click Here To Download ==================================================================== Hope you guys enjoy! And more will be released soon!
Yes, im only 13. And I have no clue how you know that, but w/e. Anywayz, thanks you guys and im about to edit this post with a new app!
lol, well that explains it. Anyways, I really like making these apps and if you guys have any requests, just let me know!
You need that one program. I totally forgot what it was called. Oh yeah, Xored ETM Launcher and you set the trainers folder to say e:\Trainers and your games to e:\Games then put the trainers in there. Then if you have Halo 2 on your harddrive you can simply turn on the trainers and it should boot up Halo 2 and you just use the commands in the Yelo readme. Also this is a cool app. I have been working with Visual Basic 2005 Express edition and am always looking forward to learning something new.
Xored ETM Launcher and Yelo go in the e:\Apps folder and the trainers go into the e:\Trainers folder. There is a whole thread about Yelo at HaloMods: http://files.halomods.com/viewtopic.php?t=57278
lol i saw this on halomods.. myreimids ramyind or w/e your username is.. its a good tut.. app is simple to make tho.. good job
lol, you guys want to keep it on the front page. LOL, anywayz, when I get home (tommorow) , I will post everything you guys need to make yelo work, I will probably post an app tutorial telling you how to get it to work. G2G , so see you guys later!