I would like to know a couple things... 1. is it easy to softmod because when my dad and I tried it it didn't work. i have splinter cell 1 (non premium) and i had A gamesave (dunno if it's the right one.) and 2. how do you ftp your xbox, (what do you need, how hard is it, does it let me upload halo maps onto my pc?) and finally 3. what risks are involved in all of this? i know there are risks but I have an xbox 360 and an xbox so i don't care if something happens to my xbox, (well i do care, but id not be really upset if something did happen.). All I want to do is make my own maps on Halo 2 and fix some of the originals. Somebody plz help ill check in daily at around 2:30pm in the afternoon on weekdays. Thanx!
1) Softmodding is pretty easy if you know what you are doing or you have a good tutorial. Delete those files that you have and get the files here: http://www.se7ensins.com/index.php?showtopic=109 Download the Splinter Cell Part 1 file and if you live in the U.S. (or you know you use a NTSC tv) then get the Part 2 NTSC. Then follow this tutorial: http://www.se7ensins.com/index.php?showtopic=102 2) To FTP, you will need your xbox modified...so when you are done with what I posted above, you can learn how to FTP here: http://www.se7ensins.com/index.php?showtopic=106 After you learn how to FTP, use this tutorial to learn how to get your Halo 2 maps off your hdd: http://www.se7ensins.com/index.php?showtopic=107 3) There are risks involved as always, but just dont be a "dumbas$". People get too antsy and if they don't understand whats going on...they will either turn the xbox off, not finish installing, or try to restore when they shouldnt and then the xbox is nearly dead. So if you dont understand apart...just leave your xbox alone and ask someone at se7ensins for quick help. This should take care of ya man, lemme know if you need more help.
hey thnaks but i have another question- is there any way to do it without softmodding, cuz i really dont have the time or energy to softmod but if i have to i can. and which files do i need it's not very clear. and i can ftp i have flash fxp and all but i type everything and it says connection cancelled or w/e. and finally, why do i have to softmod, i mean like my ip address and the comps ip are the same i know i checked and they are connected via xbox-crossover cable-router-hub-comp. is that bad or should that work? thanks man ur a big help.
Yeah softmoding isn't the greatest. I'm sure you've heard of the infamous error code 13. [bold]Get a mod chip from www.divineo.com[/bold]
but i don't want to buy anything. even if it is free imm not opening up my box. i just realized last nite i don't have a crossover cable so my dad will bring one home on monday, then ill see if it works. Thanks everyone tho!
ok you guys i modded and everything but i dont know what to do for my friend what should i do after i get the blue dash?
ok you guys i modded and everything but i dont know what to do for my friend what should i do after i get the blue dash?