Hi guys, well im thinking of backing up my xbox games, and old nintendo type of games (roms), I legally own these games, but do to old and not working power cords on my Snes, and nintendo, etc, consoles, I've decided to mod. What's are the best possible ways of modding (in your opinions) and what mod chip would work best in my scenario. And can someone explain the difference between the ex3 and ex2ce chips as well. Thanks.
added note: I've already purchased a maxtor 120 gb ide for my game library, I will transfer files from my pc (roms) to the xbox. And transfer games that were made in 2006 (lego star wars, and madded 07) gosh, I hate loading times. Thanks.
i would go with the X3, alot more features and optons on it, has its own dash as well. X2.6 pretty basic, i only use it to repair xboxs,
I can still load games to my hdd, and load roms with the xecuter 2 ce right? Im not really looking for online play.