Mods for people online that dont have modded xboxes

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Neravirne, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. Neravirne

    Neravirne Member

    Nov 19, 2005
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    Is there any mods that other players can use online if im modding. If there is can u send them in PPF format.
  2. nico1977

    nico1977 Member

    Dec 7, 2005
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    There are but you have to be the host for others to be able to see them. Changing vehicle metta tags to other vehicle works, like the warthog in relic can be switched to a banshee which means it will still be a warthog but can fly when you drive it and everyone see's it, it even allows a passenger and a gunner!

    first thing first is you have to be host which means you have to have a top connection or get someone to bridge you the host.

    other thing to note is you will be banned for doing this (account not xbox) and so its not worth doing unless you have a 2 month account, personally I'd not bother, its alot of effort for a couple days difference and cheating mods suck although a flying warthog doesnt upset anyone they tend to laugh.


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