I looked at a couple of Moonshell "manuals" and helps and didn't see this anywhere, so I'm hoping somebody knows the answer. I put a dpg movie on the card in our R4. Fire it up, hit the media button, Moonshell file system comes up. Select the movie, movie plays in top screen on DS. Bottom screen goes black. No control bar visible in top screen. If you touch the bottom screen, the playback jumps to the bottom screen with a visible control bar. This particular movie is in widescreen format so the control bar is not presented on top of the flick which would be even more annoying. Any ideas on why it jumps? Any ideas on making it not jump? Are there other movie players besides Moonshell? Something with a counter maybe so you can go back to where you were if you have to stop in the middle of a movie? Something with a pause button?
I always thought it was just a feature so you can use the touch screen to control it (albeit quite limited.) You can toss it back on the top screen by dragging your stylus up on the movie (as in.....touch lower part of movie and drag upwards.)
Ahhh! Should have thought of that. I'll try it when I get home. Thanks. Well, you know how it is. When it comes to software it always seems one person's "feature" is another person's pain in the hind end. Still thinking there must be a player that isn't "quite limited".
Well leave a post if you find one. I find the Moonshell video player very limited as well. I can't say how many times I've accidentally pressed the right shoulder button to skip to the next video by accident and have had to start all over from the beginning of a movie.
Yeah. Shows what an idiot I am that I just figured out yesterday that you can move backwards and forwards while a movie is playing using _EITHER_ the direction button thing (l and r- dpad?) _OR_ the touch screen. But you're right, bumping the A or the B and having the thing quit is a pain. What I want is player that does playback on the top screen, uses the touch screen to control all aspects of the playback (play, pause, rewind, fast forward, and stop "touch buttons"), provides file data (either count or time elapsed, time left, and time total), and doesn't accept real hard button/dpad input while a movie is playing. Maybe I just need to learn to use Moonshell better. Maybe Moonshell could do this with the right config file. I don't know.
Yes, moonshell does allow the use of the d-pad for control but it's extremely slow. In my experience, all it does is skip a couple frames and it's often the case that it doesn't fast forward much faster than playing the file outright...all it does is keep the sound from playing. Maybe with future updates to Moonshell but right now, the video capabilities of Moonshell is sorely lacking.
Hey! You can drag and throw the movie back up to the top screen. That helps. Cool. Now if the bottom screen wouldn't just go blank and had all the touch screen playback controls..... Aside: I customized the Moonshell screen so it has my boy's name and picture on it. He fired up his DS to watch a movie and there he was, staring right at himself. The look on his face was funny. Then he fired off the movie and went into video la-la land.