I need to run a total of 3 ide devices on my new pc. There 2 HDDs and a Pioneer DVD Burner. How would I do this seeing as most mobos have only one ide conector? I realize I can use double ide connector cable for 2 drives, but what about the 3rd? I was thinking of geting this mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128368
Almost no motherboards use multiple IDE channels these days, as they don't expect people to still be running IDE Hard drives. Your only option is either to buy a S-ATA to IDE convertor (these are only a few dollars) or a PCI card that gives you extra IDE ports (these don't cost much more)
Thats what i figured. I hate to stick with the IDE drives but they have alot of data I want to keep and the Pioneer I had to buy IDE because my pc im on had a dead drive and wasnt planning to build a rig soon. Thanks for your suggestion on the pci card. Is this a good one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816132004
To be honest, Rosewill stuff is usually pretty poor, but they may not be responsible for making that, so you might be fine.
Never heard of SYBA, so I can't comment. For this price though, if it breaks you may as well just get a new one.