I am trying to fix a issue with a PC that someone else tried to build for my uncle and I have taken a look at it and so far here is what I have seen. Using a ASUS Maximus IV Gene-Z ROG and a Intel I3 Core processor, when powered on the system turns on and then immidiately turns off then 5 seconds later it turn back on but the CPU LED light is red and stays red (no display on Monitor). I took everything apart and noticed alot of Thermal greese on the CPU so I took it off and placed a normal amount of it, even made sure the cpu was placed right. Put everything back together and still the same issue. The whole computer stays on the Video card the fans everything is work but the CPU LED stays on. My opinion is the CPU is either not responding The Fan is not cooling it down enough The Motherboard cpu socket is messed up. Any advice on what to do or to adivse my uncle to do would be great. Thank you,
Their are 4 lights near the M/B Main power cable vga, hdd, m/b and CPU as the PC turns on those light light up for a moment and then turn off indicating their is no issue with that component but the only one on is the CPU red light. As mentioned before the pc turns on then off immediatly then on again after 5 secs and the CPU red light is still on. Thank you,
WOW that is one nice board.. Could be that the CPU is not compatible with the board. Do you know if that's a first generation i3 CPU? On tiger direct's details page,in red it says not compatible with first generation. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=684865&csid=ITD&body=MAIN
Quite possibly a faulty board, is quite common with Asus, even on expensive high-end boards like that. Can try changing the memory around (one stick at a time, different slots etc) first.