Just wondering if anyone else has this problem ! I'm currently using DVD Shrink ,Any DVD , and Nero 7 !! I've been burning DVD's for at least a year and a half now with much success !! But today I've encountered a problem !! I can Decode a movie - burn it but when I try to watch it on my PC I get an error from anyDVD ! Saying it cannot read media !! When I play the DVd in my home DVD player it has some of the movie on it but then freezes ! I'm using Sony DVD+R's ! Have used these disc for over a year without any problems ! Also burning at 8x !! Have I suddenly ran into a bad batch ? Tried a different brand and worked fine !! Any feedback would be great !!( Oh also reinstalled all of the above software & still got the same problem )
Manufacturer ID is unknown ! MID is Sony D21 !! I buy these all the time at Walmart !! Never had a problem until now !!
Have you been using 16x media all along, and is your burner firmware up to date? Edit Your AnyDVD is out of date, you may want to update.
check your firmware here: and if you don't have DVDDecrypter, get it here, it's freeee: http://fileforum.betanews.com/download/DVD_Decrypter/1011845169/1
leanr something new every day.. i didnt know dvd decrypter can check and see if there is a update for your firmware....... @arniebear... hey buddy if ya would i posted a question in docTY's thread about my media how loud it is in my drives instead of me posting it twice in there and here would you check it out and see what ya think? ty damn reds...lol
@cincyrob How loud is it, you will get some noise when it burns. The faster the burn the louder, but it is kind of like a steady whoosh. You will notice some noise on startup as the drive is writing its lead in but then it settles down to speed
this is the first time it has done it to me make this noise... it sounds like the disc is bounceing around in the tray.... it burned ok but i never heard that noise before and havent since.. it was just once with the maxell disc and once with the mij sony..... but like i said when it did this anydvd in its status area it said no disc present in drive.
Some drives are noisier than others, my Lite-on 1633 has more rattle to it than my other drives. But it may just be an imbalance problem with the disk. I got a Plex 740a for Xmas, which I returned for a 716a, but that drive came with TDK disks and they made the worst noise and made the puter case vibrate, tried them in my old NEC 1300a USB and the same thing happened. So it might be the media, or just that it was not in the tray properly, next time if you here the noise just eject and reseat the disk and try again. If it happens regularly then I would contact the mfr.
Arniebear , it was my firmware !! Needed updating !! Now everything is back in order !! Thanks alot !!
Glad it worked out for you. You were probably using 8x media, and the new 16x was not being recognized. Hope you have many happy burns from now on