I have used Moviemaker before, but am trying to figure how to take individual images within a project and speed up the speed of the images. There are some images I want to act as a moving image series like action, and then resume the regular speed. Also, I am trying ti find if this program provides a dissolve of one pic into the next without a black dissolve. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I really like the eas of this program, so I would like to keep using it, if possible, but I wanted some pointers about the above-mentioned questions. You guys always help me and I apprecaite it.
Another question. I am putting together a MoveiMaker production and a song i want to use stops exactly 1:50 into the song. It is an MP3. when I play it on MEdia Player it also stop sthere. However, when I download it as an M4A, it plays but won't allow me to use it in Moviemaker. What is the best program for converting non-MP3s into MP3s?
Thanks Davexnet. One more question. What program can be used to takean audio file from a cassette and convert it to a digital file on my computer and do you need any special device to attach a cassette player to a computer? Thanks, Mark
You connect the cassette deck to the "line in" on the sound card. Open the sound card mixer and check the recording options. Line in should be enabled and the volume set. Open an audio editor (perhaps Audacity) and monitor the signal while it plays. Make sure it doesn't clip. If it clips, turn down the recording volume. Then start the recording using the audio editor.