is it possible to play movies on a DS? I've heard of some people being able to put games on a flash card or multiple games on a card or being able to buy cards on the black market with multiple games on them...
yes, you can. theres lots of flash card available. i recommend a Supercard DS One which have Moonshell integrated. Moonshell is a media player for the DS, plays mp3, movies and txt files. with this card you can read txt files such as game guides during game play useful for playing rpg.
Thanks for the reply Mary.... your reply brings up a whole lot of questions then... Can you point me in the direction of where to get these flash cards? How do you transfer the files to the flash cards? What format do the movies have to be in? Can you transfer mp4 files aswell?
read this blog, its a quick guide for usage and installation. if you are in the UK, i recommend for Supercard DS One. flash card uses Micro SD memory, so its simply connect too your pc and just copy and paste. as for movies, you need to convert it to dpg format which you can get a free software from here and info.
Thanks Mary, thats a great blog I even got a reply back from that site you gave me. I have the software for converting DVD's to NDS format, so I can do that easy enough. I haven't done one yet but I'll do it the next few days and see what kind of memory it takes up. Can you tell me what the quality is like on the movies on the NDS? Also, if I want to put any games on the memory card, can they be downloaded somewhere?
you welcome. the quality wont be brilliant, depends on your settings when converting of course. when i do it, its like vhs quality, so watchable. ds roms are readily available for download, i cant mention the website, not allow here, just google search for nds roms
VHS quality is acceptable.... I was wondering if this device is the same as the one you recommended Its free shipping and works out cheaper than the other site Can you have mp3's, movies & games all on the same micro sd card? What kind of file/directory structure do you have to put the files in?
yep. same flash card. dealextreme is pretty good, delivery takes about 10 days. yep. all can on the same card, with or without folders, doesnt matter (except system files). having folders is better though.
so say you were to put all your music into 1 folder on the flash card, all your movies into another folder and your games in another, what does the DS screen look like on power on?
thanks other thing...DX have another one it states its the best one out there...will this do the same thing as the SUPER DSONE cart?
you need to convert the movie's to .dpg format.. i knew i seen a guide somewhere on the r4 forums here it is,
You can convert the movies to the ds format or use a media player on your ds but remember some of the media player projects are limited to mpeg only right now.
i dont recomend sku.13528 as ive read in the dx forum, someone said its a clone. i stick with Supercard or an Acekard 2/rpg. these two are good quality card with very little know faults and have good future rom compactibilities.
Thanks for your help Mary...just wondering if you could answer a few more questions? When I get the cart, I read I just have to download a few files to the cart so it will I right? So now I have the cart ready to work, I need to get roms & movies on it. I've downloaded a few roms in zipped format. When I unzip them I get about 7 files. Do I transfer these files direct to the root directory of the SD card or can I put them in a folder of the SD card and give that folder a name, such as the game name? Then can I just keep adding to the SD card with other games in the same manner? I have converted 1 DVD to dpg format. Do I just transfer this also to root dir of SD card or can I put it in its own folder? Can you have games & movies on the same sd card and will they work together? If they do, what does the DS screen look like when the unit is started up?
each flash cart is different, but essentailly yes, all you need is download the system files and put it onto the microSD card. if you get 7 files after unzip, then you need to unzip it again, i bet you those 7 files have .rar extension. you need either winrar or 7zip programme to unpack them. you can create as many folders as you like, such as Games, Movies. but i think certain flash cart needs the games folder to be called nds to work. tell me which cart you are buying? games and movies can be put on the same memory card in separate folders. depending on which flash cart you are buying, the start up screen varies. most will boot into games folder, other will starts with a choice of game play or media player, depends on the cart.
you are correct, one of the files that is unzipped is a rar file, so I assumed this needed to be done aswell with 7zip haven't decided on a cart yet, so if I call the games directory 'nds' can I put the files that unpack from each individual zip file into its own dir in the nds directory for ease of knowing what I have put on there?
so you only need to copy the nds file and thats it? What about all the other files? are they not needed?