Alright i'm new at afterdawn but let me just say a few things about myself(well my gamecube anyway). I have a gamecube with the qoobsx chip installed and running perfectly. I'm using it with regular dvd-r right now becaue i didn't get my order of minis yet. I've been able to play from a dvd-r snes, n64, nes, gba, gb, sega genesis, and the regular gamecube backups. i'm pretty much used to everything about modding a gamecube and all that nice stuff. i want to know now how to play movies on the gamecube and if it is even possible. i tried converting a .mpg to .gba, which worked fine on visualboyadvance, but it won't convert to .gcm because it's too small. it has to be either 4mb, 8mb, or 16mb using gbaemuplus for gamecube. if there's a way to resize te 1mb video file i used to at leaste 4mb, i would appreciate if someone would tell me how to do it. also does anyone know if there is a gc movie player or if someone is working on it?
i have no idea, i didnt even know you could play really any emulaters on gcn, but seeing that gcn uses divx, that might work?
I have done a somekind of solution to playing movies with GC, you only need to convert movie to .sfd. As u can see, no-one seem to got it work, and maybe they lose their trust to this project because i fixed it many times every time i forgot to add something important but now it works Someone thought that i made it with SDK But i only took files from RE4 bonus disc I hope u can get it work And someone did too one:
I've tried that already. but the dc movie creator doesn't work on windows xp for some reason and i can't find one on google that will. you said this worked for you. do u have windows xp? if so how did u get it to work?
Seems u did'nt read that thread well in Maxconsole... use compatability mode to install it, and if it wont work when encoding video, it works, it only takes a long time to code the video... I dont remember did i use compatability mode on those files that installer created, but u can try. I have deleted this thing from my computer, and i dont work on this anymore...
Well just a thought can't you rip a Dvd to say 1.35Gig and have it pick up in the GC.I am not familiar with movies on the GC,but wouldn't that work or do you have to use some sort of media player for the GC.The reason I ask this is because the GC can pick up Dvd right or mini-dvd discs.You would have to limit it to the 1.35Gig mark though,because the laser only reads the width of a mini-dvd.
Quezacotl i did use it right. i tried compatability mode for windows 95,98,NT,ME. Didn't work. the thing is it won't even install. it might just be the file i downloaded that has a problem, but i can't seem to find another one anywhere. if anyone has one please send it to me. and L-Burna what i'm trying to do is play video files that i have on my computer, not necessarely a ripped dvd. i know for a fact that the gamecube plays divx and a regular divx movie is around 700mb. that's enough to fit on a 1.4gb mini-dvd. if anyone has dv movie maker please send it to me i would appreciate it and if anyone knows how to solve this compatibility problem please tell me also
It should be able to install 98/ME mode... are u sure you have applied the settings for compatability, pressed "apply"... Wow i thought that it would be easy to install and use it, because myself, i got it work at first(or second) try...
I am positively sure i used it right. believe me i tried everything. the program just doesn't work. i have mcsetup.exe and it won't even unpack. it says:"c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications" then i have to choose between close and ignore. they both do the same thing. what i can do is, using winrar, extract it to a folder. that works fine, but then the setup file there says the same thing as before "c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications". that's as far as i can go. is this familiar to anyone?
You have to fix your autoexec.nt file in order to fix the command prompt for Windows.Look around on google to see if you can spot your problem.Just type in the error message that keeps displaying and you should be able to find it.Here is a random site that might help you out with PC problem .You are going to have to fix this issue in order to use the command line though.
This is the best solution I think for your problem coming from the Microsoft site;en-us;324767 .
alright guys i've finally answered my own question. here it is An mpg player for gamecube. it's about time. too bad all i have are AVIs. that means i gotta convert all of them
use windows moviemaker and import the file, and save the movie as another format(eeh..resolution, fps etc...) and it will make it bigger depening on what you choose..if to big save it as another "format"