hi everyone,im new to this and feel quite stupid.ive got dvd shrink and want to put the movies from my hard drive onto disc,i must be doing something wrong as it wont work.i also have nero 6.help!
If you used Shrink to get the movie on the HD it should fit unless the output size in shrink was set too big. You may need to rip it again with shrink and set the output file size to 4.3gig. That way it will fit for sure. jerry
Andy, Jerry's right, open shrink, click on edit > preferences > under target size where it says DVD-5, select custom from the drop down menu. Type in 4300 and hit OK. Then re-rip the movie with shrink and it should fit.
i downloaded the movie a few months ago,its an avi file,everytime i try to open it in shrink,it says.file cannot be found
If this is a downloaded movie file it is piracy and can't be discussed on AD. Besides that, shrink can't deal with AVI files, they must be converted to DVD compliant files, that's why shrink can't see 'em.