Recently, the movies that have been coming out lately are at least 7 GB. How do I put the movies onto a 4.7GB disc. Also, how do I find out if my dvd burner is compatible with 7 GB disc. And I need to know what programs will I need to do all of this.
You can burn 99.9% of movies to a DVD-5. Most of the software you may find at AD software. DVDFab Decrypter: DVD Shrink: VobBlanker: If you don't have Nero then I suggest the following: ImgTool: ImgBurn: All of this software is free. You may need to read a couple of guides to get use to using them but there is no need to spend money. If you would like to spend a little money, many people on this forum have invested in AnyDVD. You can find it at and it comes with a 20 day free trial. Good luck and happy burnin'!!
dvd shrink and dvd decrypter arent update anymore that why they wont work by them selfs on the newer movies you can run anydvd in the background and use dvd shrink and or dvd decrypter anydvd is a driver that works in the background and removes the protection from the dvd ,its the new sony arccos and ripguard protection that causes the problems on the newer dvds(disney) etc. which anydvd can take care of being the program updates weekly. if you do use dvd shrink with anydvd sometimes dvd shrink will still have problems transcoding the dvd and you will get a read error .if your using dvd decrypter with anydvd set dvd decrypter up this way.... To use DVD Decrypter in conjunction with AnyDVD as stated per Olli ->OF SLYSOFT AND CLONEDVD Proceed to the DVD Decrypter Opening Page - Tools - Settings I/O Tab - Click on "Elby CDIO-Elaborate Bytes" General Tab - un-check "Check For Structure Protection" but your best bet is to use clonedvd 2 and anydvd together (this is what iam using) the programs update ,you can do all the newer movies(i never had a movie i cant backup with this combo) you can control the burn speed(always burn at 4x or no faster than 8x) and you can re-author the dvd(doing the movie only). its the best program out there heres the link you can download both and use the free 21 day trial before you buy. and a guide to use the program (its very easy) remember to use good blank media (taiyo yuden and or verbatim) and burn at 4x starting out on a clean machine without other programs running in the background and the lastest firmware on your drive.