Moving Videos To Xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by NoMustard, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    I am very sorry as i am sure this is a very easy thing to do but i am not very pc savvy and was wondering if someone could help me move some movies that i have on an external drive over to a xbox. About 2/3 years ago a guy I knew would mod your xbox for cash and I really wanted to play some older games so I played a bunch of old games and then put the xbox in the closet. A few days ago i tried to stream a bunch of movies on an external hd to my 360 and it wouldn't work and I am sick of moving my pc around room to room to watch movies through the svideo . I would love any help that i could get on this topic thx alot.
  2. stevexbox

    stevexbox Regular member

    Jul 31, 2006
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    Is the external drive compatible with the xbox?
    Try using flash fxp.
    There are tutorials on it.
  3. NoMustard

    NoMustard Guest

    Not sure if the HD is compatible how would i tell ? When i turn on the xbox it says unleashX and I haev xbox media center. not sure what versions. Im going to google that flash player and read up on it .
  4. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Are you trying to watch them on the original xbox or 360?

    XBMC will stream across your home network, my tutorials will show you how!

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