Mp3, and write-protection!

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by seranab, Nov 21, 2005.

  1. seranab

    seranab Guest

    OK! I just came back from New York, and bought an Mp3 player there. Upon bringing it back I did not think I would have a problem with it. Buying a cd, and copying the songs on to my PC, I have now followed the instructions from the player and i come up with the following message;

    Cannot copy 03 My humps: The disk is write-protected
    Remove the write-protection or use another disk.

    What disk are they talking about? What is write-protection? ((i figured it was something to do with the whole artists not getting paid? I dunno, i know i sound stupid)) What should I do to take off this so called write-protection? Is it on the music, or the actual Mp3 player?

    So many questions!! I'm getting desperate.

    Any insight would be appreciated.
  2. Adham22

    Adham22 Guest

    Try recopying the songs onto the computer then go to the properties of one song and there must be a check in a box next to read-only remove it and then send it to your mp3 player.
  3. seranab

    seranab Guest

    Unfortunatly, the read-only wasn't even checked. It was empty!! :( Is there no hope?

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