Please be a little more specific if you expect any help. What will you use it for? Do you want it to play videos? Do you choose looks over other things? Do you have a mac computer?
if you want something that holds a lot of music for not to much money then creative zen is a good brand. they are in my opinion better than ipods, and they cost less for the same amount of gigs. of course if you want vids though, i will say ipods are good for that.
I don't really need to have the possible video watch in there, but a lot of storage for music and maybe for pics...
i would say go creative zen then. they are just as good as an ipod, but they dont cost as much. you can buy a pretty good sized one (80 gigs i think) for around 250 (dollars sorry dont know the conversion). i know thats pretty big but i know thats one of their big ones. but of course dont make your decision based on my opinion. your best bet would be to look around and see what you like, and how much they cost versus how much your are willing to spend. im just throwing out a suggestion. happy looking.