MP3,pod cast,edit, batch process.

Discussion in 'Audio' started by ZippyDSM, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I need to cut off silence on the front and end of the file, normalize it and break it into 30 minute sections, is there anythign can can do this smoothly in a batch process?

    I have something like a 7 hour block of daily talk to record off their web stream and need something to edit and segment it.
  2. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I don't audio capture much but I have seen at least one that will save in specified time blocks. That would be the most efficient. They will also start a new file for x seconds of silence. Unfortunately they do not do both at the same time.

    Why break it down?

    What bit rate do you capture at? The library system rips audio books to 25 CBR and for voice that is good enough.

    Medieval software makes a free splitter that uses a cue file for split times. You could re-use the cue file by changing the file names before and after the process.

    Normalization is batched/group process to begin with. Why would you normalize a pod cast? Remember, I don't audio capture so I can't even amagine the problem you are trying to solve.
  3. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I stream capture at whatever the stream is being played at, WM Recorder 12 captures it at automatically to the schedule I put in most of the free ware crap can;t do that and they want to record the stream as its played capturing any sound from windows...

    Most digital playing devices suck when it comes to skipping/searching my 20$ Ipod clone takes forever to clear a 5 minute ad block and thoroughly boring guests/segments, so I need to break it into more easy to listen to segments this coarse means on said Ipod clone I have to select through dozens if not hundreds of files for a weeks worth of talk.

    I have xillsoft video converter it dose audio as well I can convert ASF to MP3 and break it apart but it offers no normalization options, the Gdamn ad blocks have screwy volumes that can really hurt on the Ipod clone....

    I wonder if Vdub has a ASF and time spliter plug ins it has normalize and batch possessing.

  4. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I think the capture bit rate is determined by a preference in the capture device not the sending device.

    I see the point about normalization. Actually, you would want a 'chopper' to detect the elevated normalization level and break at that point starting a new file when it base level comes back to normal. You could re-capture the audio at high speed like the DRM removers. This would make it as flexible as possible. Some capture devices can do this with silence.

    Naha, I never heard of such a device but I am sure it has a market. Too bad I am not an audio developer cause it should be easy to make. I would make a request to the folks that make your capture device. I am guessing they will add the feature or make a new product. It has a favorable cost to marketability ratio.
  5. olyteddy

    olyteddy Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    MP3? Try MP3DirectCut. It can normalize and chop either on silence or time.
  6. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    its asf but I can convert it damn program dose not record the stream in MP3 its either mpeg or asf or wma ...*shudders*

    I use a app to record the stream at what its played at off the server its just a simple talk radio stream so I could care elss about it as long as I can hear the voice.

    My MP3 player and most of the MP3 player programs on dvd players and in MP3 players and radios suck at dealing with a 2+ hour block, unless of coarse you want to sit and listed to the ads and crappy segments.
  7. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    Zippy you are thinking right about the bit rate. I mentioned the bit rate not from a quality standpoint but from a process stand point. You mentioned 7 hr blocks. The default bit rate is usually a comercial bit rate for music (128). You can cut the size down to a quarter of that and not hear the difference. Your processing and file storage will also be a quarter. That was my reason for bring it up but because you are using a video capture tool maybe there isn't a bit rate setting.
  8. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Its a 1000watt or so station the stream is 44kbps(, they don't get much but they put out alot, I think KZ106 gets 10X as much bloodly wattage...stupid radio.....) it makes a tiny 220MB ASF file when I bump it into MP3 it doubles in size, the preset mp3 on lowest is 73KBPS, size is not a issues,clarity is not an issue the bloody way most MP3 devices handle skipping and fast forward is.
  9. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    You have done your homework! HD is 90 br.

    How your player advances is the issue and that is hardware.
    My ipod advances easily. I wouldn't buy one for that though. However, you really shouldn't expect a complete duplication of a product costing 10% of the original. I will check out my wifes Sansa View. They cost about a third of an ipod but are as good as the ipod.

    I did some research for you. The feature you want is "add skip" the media maffia hates this feature. No surprises there. This means even if a capture routine adds this feature the MM will get them to remove it. TIVO and some other video recorders do have this ability.
  10. ZippyDSM

    ZippyDSM Active member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Even on the DVD players I have tested some don't utilize more than 4X skipping for MP3s 0-o its craszy!

    I also like skipping through bad segments which can be 3-20 minutes long, an ad remover would be cute but frankly half the time I skip a 4 hour block of talk so I can get to my 2nd fav show of the day.

    I like my Ipod clone and all but the skipping sucks, I am getting in a 8GB SD card got my DS's M3 it has a few MP3 players I am hoping that will turn out to be best after all the 32GB Ipod clone I picked up was only 25$.

    I also hope that it can handle files better IE if I put a folder into it I can skip stuff by folder the Ipod clone goes file by file no matter how you have stuff organized which is another issue if I have talk broken into 7 1 hour or 14 30 minute blocks if I have 5 days of them in there that's alot of files to hunt threw, dose the Ipod do folders? can you really sub organize on one?

  11. Mez

    Mez Active member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    The better ones (name brands) use a database app. This allows you to select a tune, an album or an artist to play using yout tag info. They also play playlists. They support book marks for certain generes depending on the player. You need to read 'the manual' to learn what generes support book marks. They are usually pod casts and/or audio books.

    The play list option might be a powerful option for you. Media Monkey supports auto play lists and can intelligently sync that play list. Ex You create a play list that includes only files added in the last x days. Then you add this play list to the auto sync list. You also set the option to delete files on the portable not on the sync list. The process will automatically update every thing for you. You will be asked to confirm the files deleted on the portable. What sets Media Monkey apart from the other apps that sync is that it will delete tunes on your player.

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