Mp3 to Mp4b audio conversion

Discussion in 'Audio' started by sam4949, May 17, 2008.

  1. sam4949

    sam4949 Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Hi can anyone please recomend software to conver Mp3 files to the Ipod audiobook format MP4b

    I have several audiobooks split into 15 min tracks and i would like to convert then to the Ipod Mp4b format.

    The reason i want to do this is because some of the books are around 15 hours long and the Mp4b format bookmarks whe you get to so i can go straight back to the point whre i left off.

    I dont expext this for free i just want someting that works please
  2. dldennis

    dldennis Guest

    The only thing I think you can really do is go down to the local library, borrow the audiobook CDs (again), and rip them using iTunes in AAC format, then change the filename extensions to [filename.m4b] to make them bookmarkable files in the eyes of iTunes and iPod.

    But to change MP3 files to bookmarkable AAC? The only possible way would be to decode the files to WAV (or AIFF) format, then re-rip as above. But, of course, the WAVs will be crap, quality-wise, as (i'm sure you know) MP3 is a lossy format; those bits can never be put back! And to do such and re-distribute such inferior quality material is a crime to humanity punishable by--sorry, it's bad, let's just leave it at that.
  3. sam4949

    sam4949 Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Hi thanks for the advice i have used Itunes to convert a few book but i have noticed a small problem when using itus to convert a book after the conversion in ituns the book is always a few minutes shorter not a lot but it has a shorter runing time say maybe 3 minutes on a 12 hous book and i carnt find out whats missing

    Regards to you for taking the time and you advice

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