mp3 volume

Discussion in 'Audio' started by ryche12, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. ryche12

    ryche12 Guest

    is there any way to volume level an mp3? trying to play an mp3 disc with 200 songs and every one is at a different volume level is a joke and none to pleasing to the ears. thanks
  2. Digidave

    Digidave Regular member

    Jul 11, 2004
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    Yes, mp3Gain is what you need. It really is the way to go. It will make changes, yet maintain the integrity of the original file. You can always reverse it without any loss in quality. If you want every song to be at the same volume level, use "TrackGain".
  3. ryche12

    ryche12 Guest

    digidave you frickin ROCK!!!!!!!

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