i am looking for a gui based mp4 audio encoder. have been using nero up till now but the demo is runnign out. i ahve searched the net but have only been able to find command line programs. if anyone hsa foudn something i havent please let me know. any help is appreciated!
There isn't many free AAC encoders available, and I beleive that the Nero AAC Encoder is currently the best available. But there is the Psytel Encoder, which Nero AAC is based on. Psytel Encoder is basically an older version of Nero AAC and made by the same developer. http://cd-rw.org/software/audio_software/audio_encoders/psytel_aac_enc.cfm (there is also a link for GUIs and stuff) Then there is the free Nero AAC plugin ( http://neroplugins.cd-rw.org/ ), which is based on the FAAC encoder, but my understanding is that it is not as good as the Psytel AAC.