Hi can anyone help please asap........ive been asked to put a mobile phone video which is in mp4 format on to dvd....only im not sure what program to use to convert to dvd? please help !...ive read loads of stuff still not not sure?
did you try ConvertXtoDVd? I don't know if it will work but it's worth a try...... try the free download version and see.... it will leave a watermark on it, but it's the free version .... to see if it works for you: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
You can also try IMTOO it has a free trial I believe. I know it will convert to video. http://www.brothersoft.com/dvd_video/dvd_burner/imtoo_mpeg_to_dvd_converter_43767.html
hi thankyou to both posts ...im not sure what im doing wrong....but the video came out ok only voice was all over the place couldnt understand at all....this was with ConvertXtoDVd,also used imtoo and it goes to 8% and just stops im just getting fed up as i need to do this asap sentimental value!
the free version has some issues with audio and codecs.You may need to buy the uograded version to alleviate the pain you are experiencing