hi, i bought a 2gb mp4 player from hong kong last month from ebay. So far ive got 8 mp3 songs on it, about 4 films and 2 pics. And yesterday when i added 2 mp3 tracks to it my mp4 just froze and restarted. and when i deleted those 2 songs it was working fine. It was like i can only have 8 songs on it, does anybody know what to do about it, because ive still got 1 gb left on it and i dont want to format it incase something happens to the memory thanks plz reply back
The only thing I can would say is dont by things from Hong Kong. Its not the most dependable place to buy stuff from. Format it, return it, sell it. Do whatever you can do. If a format doesnt work then I would get rid of it asap.