I purchase an mp4 digital player from ebay and It's not working, Windows will see the mp4 player but not the software itself, I tried different versions 3.6-4.7 same problem. I tried to convert files using the AMV convert but when I add to the mp4 player It doesn't show up, I tried adding mp3 songs and not even that works. I can add normal music videos without converting anything and the mp4 player will see the file but it won't play it. I looked on some of the other threads on this site but nothing worked. I'm not sure what version the mp4 player is but here is the link on ebay for the one I purchase http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dl...MEWN:IT&viewitem=&item=270059790567&rd=1&rd=1 Can you add music/video directly to the SD card without having the mp4 player connected to the computer? I try adding different type's of format to the mp4 player with the same results. Any help is appreciated
hi mate i bought one i can get the mp3 to work and j pegs but no movies have tried sevarle converters but still no joy have you sortet yours yet..... roy ..... email .. madhouse.loony@tiscali.co.uk any help would be good thx