Mp4 to Mpeg2 - comes out at only 5 minutes long!

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by Gibush, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. Gibush

    Gibush Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Hi. I posted a thread earlier about having problems with converting. The user "attar" completely solved it. I converted all 10 videos and everything was fine, and completely in sync, as an mpeg-2 (ready to author).

    Except one. It's a 10 episode show (don't worry I'm not illegally downloading a TV show, it's a webseries on a youtube-like site). The episodes vary from 9 minutes to 35 minutes. Episode 8 is 19 minutes long. When I use "Any DVD Converter Pro" to convert it from it's normal state (mp4) to "NTSC DVD" IE mpeg-2, it comes out at the full 68 megs, but only 5:30 long or so.

    Why does this happen? I've played the mp4 on my computer, it's 19 minutes long. I tried re-converting it from the original mp4 but that didn't work. I redownloaded the mp4 from the site and tried converting that, even using a different output folder. Nothing is working. It's coming out at exactly the same length.

    What is going on here?! This is really frustrating.
  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    Try using AviDemux.
    Run it and load/drag the .mp4 file onto the screen.
    If it accepts it, scrub through the video with the slider to the end and see if it reports the correct time.

    (If it doesn't accept it, go to the VideoHelp site and post it for the experts to answer

    If that's ok, on the top menu, click Auto > Optical Disk > DVD
    Set the Destination Aspect ratio to 4:3 or 16:9 (depending on what the source looks like to you).

    On the left side screen menu:
    Under Video > Configure, set for a 2 pass encoding and set the A.R to 16:9 or 4:3

    Click File > Save > Save Video and give the output a name (make sure you append .mpg to it as the program wont).
    Good luck.
  3. Gibush

    Gibush Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Thanks for the info. In Avidemux when I pop in the mp4 it says
    "H.264 Detected
    If the file is using B frames as a reference it can lead to crashes or stuttering.
    Avidemux can use another mode which is safer but YOU WILL LOSE FRAME ACCURACY.
    Do you want to use that mode?"

    And then if I click no it goes
    "Index is not up to date
    You should use tools > rebuild frame
    do it now?"

    I'm not sure if I want to go ahead and try anyway, or if I should wait for an answer...

    I imagine if I try both ways, click yes and no and see if either works it wouldn't waste that much time.

    Note: If I click no to both of those things it goes through but would that screw it up?

    Edit: I tried it with clicking no to both things and once it started encoding it crashed.
    Why oh why would only one out of ten videos do this?

    Edit: I do believe it worked.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011
  4. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    "Yes" to the prompt.

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