I have recorded an episode of wwe onto my pc using a tv tuner but the audio is slow (delayed). I did not use the audio input on the tuner but the one on my soundcard for better quality. The output file was MPEG-1 at 4mb/s 352 x 288 PAL. Any programs that could re-sync the audio to the video?
Is the out of sync a constant rate throughout? Womble Mpeg VCR, has an audio adjustment that you can try. It involves using two tools in the program. The first is to demultiplex the video and audio, then multiplex them together again,but before joining you use the A/V sync slider bar to insert an estimate of the error. Save the output (don't close down the program) and check the sync using your media player. If it is still out, repeat the multiplexing/sync steps until you are satisfied. Good luck. http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/womble_mpeg_join_tutorial.cfm
The audio at the start is in sync and slowly goes out of sync. What if i extract the audio file from the video and speed it up using a wave editor? Then i could put the video and the edited audio together in nero vision express.
That is a well known problem of MP3 VBR instead of MP3 CBR audio. You have two way to fix it. Both ways requires that you: 1) open the AVI with VirtualDub 2) set Audio ____ Full processing mode 3) Do File ___ Save WAV. After that you can do: A) use the WAV you just created for 'audio input'. The resulting MPG will be OK. B) convert WAV --> MP2 44.1 kHz audio with any encoder (for instance, HeadAC3he) and multiplex it eith the video part (M1V) of the un-sinc MPG you have already done. TMPGenc can do it easily, using File___MPEG Tool ---> Multiplex (Type: MPEG-1 Video-CD).