Ok guys, this is my last big question, i think i have almost figured out DVD burning. Here it is: I converted my BIN and CUE file to MPEG using a technique explained here- http://www.videohelp.com/forum/userguides/141726.php#svcdbin Now, Stupid me burned the MPEG thinking that a regular DVD player would read it (or in my case my xbox360) and it didnt. So today i asked some1 in BestBuy who was an expert on the subject and he bassically told me that i need to Convert the MPEG in to a DVD format..the only one i remeber him saying ws INU but he listed other. Does anyone know of a way that i can convert the MPEG to a DVD format for FREE?
Your very lucky if you actully got an expert at Best Buy. LOL I uasly use Nero Vision Express to convert the video files to DVD format. I know WinAVI can do it but never actully converted to DVD. I converted .MOV files to .AVI files. but it will convert AVI/MPEG files to DVD format.
Well the easy way to get your mpeg's from your BIN/CUE's is with this: http://www.vcdgear.com/ You can try the free version of DvixToDVD from here: http://www.free-codecs.com/DivXToDVD_download.htm
ok..wow, i think it working. I found a freeware edition of DivXtoDVD and it is currently converting (it sure does take a long ass time). Once it converts and i burn, will i be able to play it in a dvd player?
I know of no freeware that will do this. I use Ulead Moviefactory to author and burn the mpg to DVD. It's not free at $50.00 but does have a 30 day trial. It also used to contain the MainConcept engine. The last version I used with this was 2 and they're up to 5. If you are interested:http://www.ulead.com/dmf/runme.htm WinAvi also does what you wish but I am not sure on it's trial period or if a Quicktime or RealMedia download would be necessary.
I see I missed a few posts while typing. An open question to anyone; does DIVXtoDVD simply convert to DVD or encode the MPEG again?
ok....I have picked apart this file and now i have come up with a folder called WedCrash (my movie) containing a VIDEO_TS folder. I have tried burning WedCrash as a whole and just burning the Video TS folder and have had no luck in my xbox or regular dvd player.... what do i do now?
Hello mistycat, VSO ConvertXtoDVD needs to re-encode your file, even if it's in MPEG2 format, because if you choose to burn it to a DVD5, it might need to adjust the bitrate, to make it fit on a DVD5 media. You can convert 2 files, and end up with 8300 kb/s and if you take the same file, and add 5 more files, you may end up with 6500 kb/s for the bitrate, since it needs to reduce it to fit a DVD5. If you have subtitles files, it will encode those too. http://www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/7766.cfm Purchase VSO ConvertXtoDVD (and all other VSO Software) and save 20% !
Not my speciality but here goes. You don't want to encode a second time as that will result in quality loss. But, as you have, DIVXtoDVD should have created 2 folders, an empty AUDIO_TS and a VIDEO_TS containing your movie (ifo, bup and vob, I think). The vob is your movie and should play on your pc. You need both folders to burn a DVD. I thought DIVXtoDVD contained a burner but you can also burn them with ImgBurn (free):http://www.imgburn.com/
@coolGray What DVD software do you have to burn disc? Also how are you burning the file? If your burning as a data DVD then it will not read in your DVD standalone.
Try using folder2iso to make the ISO complient with your DVD player. If you still have the folder named WedCrash load that into folder2iso and it will make an ISO for you to burn. That should be compliemt with your DVD standalone player. I think your problem is that your not burning the folder correctly for your DVD player to read it. Below is the link to folder2iso and a link to a guide on how to use it. folder2iso ----> http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/folder2iso.cfm Gudie for folder2iso ---> http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/burn_dvd_folder_dvd_decrypter.cfm
i have tried that....i will try it again, i think i only made the iso of the video TS folder though, apparently i have to have both. Will these Iso's run on an xbox360? i am currently trying to just burn the WedCrash folder (containing Audio and Video TS folder) using Burn4freee. Thanx for the help! I know, I know, I need to get Nero!
Yes Nero would be so much easier cause then you could go into nero burrning rom and choose DVD-video and then add the files into the VIDEO_TS folder and it would burn a complient DVD.