MPEG Video wizard dvd help!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by isaac4130, Jun 14, 2006.

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  1. isaac4130

    isaac4130 Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    I have been experimenting with this program to try and increase the volume through some certain parts of a music dvd I have. I have split each video ts file and increased the volume as required, but I'm having trouble re-doing it into dvd format. I have saved the files as WBP files, is this ok or do I need to export them to MPEG format? I now have my 4 vts_2 tracks containing the feature, which I have saved in this WBP format. How do I join them back together to form one length?
    Also, I have redone the title screen. If I was to recode as a dvd with just the intro title and feature (no menus, extras etc) will it still play on a standalone dvd player?
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