I am trying to split a 5 gigs mpg file in 2 with TMPGen and M2-Edit, but the synchro is getting fu**ed. Any suggestions? Thanx.
How in the hell did you manage to create 5gig file at first place, specially an MPEG file -- it's like 4-5 hours of SVCD quality?! I'm just guessing, but it really might be because of the length of your original file and if TMPGEnc f.cks it up, there's really nothing that I could think of you can do.
Ok, this is a long shot, but I found a solution that might help you. Split the file with TMPGEnc. Then demux the async pieces into audio and video streams -- again with TMPGEnc. After that, use bbtools to remux those clips -- bbtools allows you to adjust audio delay in this phase.
That file is a 2 hours tv capture in 640x480, 6kbps, thats why its so big. The original file synchro is fine, its just the splitting that is affecting the synchro. But anyway, thanx for the tip, i'll check it.