I am trying to convert my mpg files that were made with my Hauppuage PVR150 to dvd. However, when I use a mpg to mpeg converter, the file size goes from 1 gig to over 25 gigs. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong, or a good program to use.
To be more precise , I should know the encoder you use. But take this in mind: DVD are variable bitrate, and their averege bitrate is decided by you, depenging on the movie's length and its audio type. Using a proper Bitrate Calculator (I use DVTool 0.53, which is free), you can insert (for example): Movie length: 120 minutes; Audio format 384 kbps (the most common AC3 stream. You can pun even less, 192 kbps, if you start from an AVI with MP3 audio [only 2 channels]) and encode MP3 --> AC3 192 kbps 48000 Hz with FFMPEG GUI. A movie 120' and audio format = AC3 384 kbps will fit a DVD5 (4489 MB) if its average video bitrate is 4723 kbps. Of course, if you put, on your encoder, a larger bitrate you'll get a larger file (even if 25 gigs seems a little too much, for me).
it was a 20 minute show, and I used Riverpast video cleaner to convert it from mpg to avi. I told it not to reencode if necessary, and the outputs I kept on default. I used it to change mkv and ogg files and they never jumped so high.
An uncompressed AVI can be huge. MPEG compression can have its drawbacks, but the mpeg files never are so big (or, if you need an AVI codec to compress AVI files, get Xvid, which is free).
Well, it took a good 30 seconds to convert all 3 files. However, when I use avi2dvd or TMPEG both tell me it would take more then 60 hours to convert them to mpeg-2. Know any other way I can get the mpg to mpeg without going through avi.