Im going to restore my MS Dashboard and get rid of my softmod so wat are the exact files and folders i will need to get to have a working MS Dashboard I already Have, Audio (folder) Fonts (folder) xboxdashdata.(number here) (folder) xodash (folder) xbox book.xtf xbox.xtf xboxdash.xbe so wat else do i need?
Wouldnt i need the Skins folder? it contains the truemsdash 2 green folder, so if i need that do i put the truemsdash 2 green folder on the C:/ or do i pu the folder called skins that contains the truemsdash 2 green on? which one help me!!!!!
Thank you so much these files i got r the ones that was my backup of my ms dash wen i created it with the SID option so r u sure that all i need? thank for replying finally someone did....
ive had the same problem a while ago so i cant remeber the exact way i did it (it was confusing any way) but im sure you can just put in any xbl game and witout the ethernet cord in the xbox try to acces live and it will give you an older dashbord and then go live and it will update it
why u want to reverse the mod? r u trying to play live???? check out this fourm page and see that new mod it lets you play live and keep the mod intact .... if you did a ms back up and just click restore it should restore it ... what sid did you use? sid 2 sid 3 sid 4 ???? im very very familiar with the sid mods...
I used SID 4 with the feature to turn the mod off but i put the exact same SID 4 on my friends xbox and his worked fine he signed into live went to matchmaking and BAM kicked hes permanatly suspended and my xbox i planned to set up an account with the mod turned off in the MS dash and i click the live button and the little green spinning thing pops up then it freezes so i cant run troubleshooter i cant do account recovery and i cant set up a new account
oh ok this makes sense.. you want to unisntall the softmod to play live again is that it? well if your ban i dont know how to go back on that but to uninstall it just run the exploitable game and hit uninstall softmod... and voila back to normal xbox... but again you hit the ms dash from the evox or ux menu so that is NOT the proper way to go to xbox live since the hack info is still loaded .... yep the only way to add /remove gamertags is to uinstall the mod and make acc then re install it. ... but i dont think adding a new tag prevents you from playing live.... like i said i have a 200gb hd and im playing on live normally... i do this press the EJECT button on my xbox it opens up the drive i wait for the ms dash to load and then i insert the game and close the lid the reason i mentioend the 200gb hd is just the fact that im trying to prove that it does not matter how big hd siez it is as long as hte xbox is patched with the right keys ms wont find the hacked info and then you golden.... make sense?
i didnt get banned on my xbox it was a friends he got banned but mine i want 2 set up an account but it freezes on the ms dash wen i press xbox live also i coldbooted his xbox 2 go to the ms dash then i put in halo 2 and he signed in and got banned we did exactly wat the SID 4 said to do to use live have u tried using matchmaking off HAlo 2 yea u will get banned even if you coldboot and load the game through ms dash so i need 2 rid the soft mod put the account on and maybe later ill put the softmod back on but for now i dont want 2 risk my new account that i want 2 make r u sure it will completely uninstall the mod if i do wat u said like load the game save through the disc i used splinyer cell
THAST THE PROBLEM BRO... where does it say about coldbooting??? lol i play halo 2 everytime and i dont get ban... like i said you did it wrong... nope we said NOTING about coldbooting... again the proper way... POEWR IT ON with the eject button and it opens up the dvd drive, then you wait for the entire ms dash to load and insert the game. check the circle led to see if its red or green red= mod is currently still active green= everything is patched back to normal as a reg xbox.... yes im sure thats is how you do it because i scripted the mod and my friend nknave did it .... it all started out form lol i dont see 1 word saying coldboot your game and load the ms dash ... man you goofed there ...
Aright im not trying 2 be pissy but u do kno coldboot means right, it means turn the xbox on by pressing the eject button let me make one thing clear im not a newb even though it says that i am im not
ive been misinformed if coldbooting is turn the xbox on with it in the drivebut hey im sorry i argued with you i just remembered why his xbox didnt work on live because he had a ppf that played even when the disc was in so wen he signed into live he got kicked because the warthog on every level was PINk im sorry i was an ass
thats fine bro , everyone makes mistakes .... we made a diffrent installer from sid 4 to 4.5 the diffrenses??? when you try to load retail mode ( eject ) it will not load the enitre ms dash HOWEVER you can acess it via the modded mode... insted it will load the xbox live tab section.. allowing you to chat on the xbox live dash make acc edit delte etc etc.. you can also trouble shoot now and doo the other things that sid 4 was restrctied to do....
Ok im real sorry bout bein an ass but yea umm u by any chance kno where i can get 4.5 i can get 4.0 but not 4.5 im real sorry but hey wats ur gamertag maybe wen i get one ill add you but janrocks said im gonna cheat i hate cheating on halo 2 i like 2 use skills but yea where can i get 4.5 yet again my apologies
my gamertag is right there on my sig ..... heres what want to comment between both and diffrenses... sid 4 <----- safe for noobs buggy for pal users and rarely for ntsc sid 4.5 <--- recommend for xbox live users and not as safe as 4.0 but is not buggy for anything.... basicly sid 4 and 4.5 are the next big thing because they can patch your eeprom... so programs like configmagic /live info cannot unlock your hd or even run that program !! 4.0 does that.. and also another thing is shadow C which hides your true C files so you CANNOT BREAK THIS MOD.... the shadow C is on both 4.0 and 4.5 systems as this does not cause a conflitc for the console as where the eeprom patch can ... as for finding 4.5 it is included in the aid 3 pakage.. aid 3 is like an xbox ehacement tool.. no modded xbox owener should live w/out it. and truely i recommend making a free profile with as it WILL ANSWER all questions regarding the xbox... and its very very resouceful. and are friendly for newbies..
so go through the modded dash and access the live on 4.0 but wat if im using evox how do i load the ms dash from it? wen i click microsoft dashboard on the evox dash it just like refreshes the evox dash????????