MS DOS help - flashing rpc1 Firmware

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by atozed, Feb 2, 2006.

  1. atozed

    atozed Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    I am probably being thisk, but I have no idea how to use dos mode!!

    I have a toshiba dvd rom, which I wish to flash to rpc1 firmware - this uses VUP.exe flasher, which needs to run in DOS mode - on a W2K laptop

    I have created a dos bootable disk (DOS 5.0)on my A drive (floppy), which opens up the A:\> black screen, but have no idea how to do the next stage.

    The VUP.exe and X021.hex files are on both the floppy disk, and in a folder on my C drive - but I can't work out how to access applications on the C drive.

    The flashing help file makes it sound so easy...

    Anyone feel like walking me through the procedure!

    Cheers, Ali

    I have listed the help file below for info.

    ** How to use VUP.EXE **
    ** **

    "VUP.EXE" is a flasher utility software for TOSHIBA CD/DVD-ROM ATAPI drives.

    [Supported Drives (almost all TOSHIBA ATAPI drives)]

    PC, TOSHIBA CD/DVD-ROM drive, ******.hex (appropriate F/W file)

    1- Make sure that TOSHIBA CD/DVD-ROM drive is connected.
    2- Run PC by MS-DOS mode.
    3- Copy "VUPXX.EXE" & "******.HEX" to some directory in HDD.
    4- Type "VUPXX ******.HEX" then hit RETURN-KEY.
    5- Program finishes with the message of "Comparison : GOOD"

    [Command line options]
    -h[elp] : Display HELP Message
    -v[ersion] : Display VUP Version
    -irq (0 to F) : Set IRQ level by hexadecimal number.
    -prt (Port No.) : Set I/O port address by hexadecimal number.
    ***** Specify both options (-irq and -prt) if use *****
    -a[uto] : Auto mode. (Non-interactive)
    *The utility does not prompt to input "Y/N".
    -c[ontinue] : Flash continuously. (if many drives are connected)
    *Finishing flash procedure, it returns to the initial
    stage automatically.
    (0 to 7) : Designate ID. (0:primary/Master -- 7:Quatenary/Slave)
    (HEX file name) : Omitting the file name, the default name of "ROM.Hex"
    is used.


  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Dont put the files in a directory folder -- just paste them in the root of your C: drive !

    Then use this command at the A:>

    [bold]VUP.exe X021.HEX[/bold]

    It would be easier if you use the MS-DOS mode built-in Windows Xp (( Start--Run -- Type CMD --click Ok))
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2006
  3. atozed

    atozed Member

    Dec 8, 2005
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    Thanks for your reply. However, the CMD prompt was not enough, it had to be true DOS mode.

    Finally got there by copying the .exe and .hex files to the floppy, and running them all from the dos disk.

    The C: drive would not been seen on W2k, as it is the wrong format, hence running them all from the dos disk.

    Last problem I had was knowing what to type.

    turned out that "vup99l.exe x021.hex" got the job done!
  4. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Good -- glad you got it sorted out ! Some of those firmware flashers have their own quirks !
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2006

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