Has anyone a copy of the manual for this board? I need to know the wiring and bios details. MSI website has nothing and a 'Google' search brought up nothing.
Amazingly, the "Driver CD" of my new computer happens to contain this manual. So, I uploaded it online: http://musaran.free.fr/MSI-6775 aka KT6M-ILS v1.0.pdf (4.71 Mb) http://musaran.free.fr/MS6775.rar (3.89 Mb, same but compressed & simple name) I feel this would be better hosted by a site dedicated to motherboard information & ressources. Does somebody know a good one ? By the way, this motherboard seems to have several names: KT6M-ILS MS-6775 G52-M6775X1 But none of them can be found on internet. Why is MSI doing this ?