i heard that you can get msn messenger for the ds, beyup i think its called my question is: is it real homebrew and does it work??? another question: if it is real, is it safe and secure to log into it??? and then lastly where would i be able to get it from cause ive searched on here but i cant find owt unless im searching for the wrong thing....
your searching in the wrong place go to here! it contains details about beup 2.0 and look at the bottom of the first post and it will say download!
it just freezes when it loads up..... so it may need patching yeah.....sadly i have no idea how to do that.......
to patch it you need to go here than if you have a a flash cart that looks like a nds game card click slot 1 if it looks like a gba game cart click slot 2 than it will take you in to the next pagewere you choose your device and click on your device then it will take you through to download the dldi file after that you need a patcher depending on what os your running on your p.c if your running windows than go here scrool down to download 0.32 latest version if your using linux than go here and download these pages also give you instructions! hope this helped! many thanks wizzkiddo!
so i tried patching the beyup file(nds) and it says it couldnt find the dldl file in the beyup file.... so im stuck again, any help would be appriciated.......
right the only think i can think is download ds organize 3.2 here then patch that see if it loads it on the ds if it does go to browser/files both the same and start beup from there and ds organize will try to auto patch. if this does not wok then it my have something to do with the firmware your card is running if ds organize doesnt work come back and tell me what flashcart you have and i will tell you were to get the latest firmware from!
i got an r4 v1.18 the messenger application comes on but it justs says its connectiong and dosent do anything else also when i try patching it it fails and this message comes up Messenger\beup.nds does not have a DLDI section also i tried doing it through dsorganize but it just said it needed a dldi file
load ds organize go to configuration down the bottom then got to the end icon (all icons are up the top) and you should be able to set up your wifi from there if not come back!
it wont let me get onto beup via dsorganize...... but when i do it through the r4 menu it loads up and then just freezes
perhaps its a dodgy bit of software try downloading it again incase something interfered and messed it up