How do i get the multimedia center function in MPT?! Its grayed out, and i can't upload/download anything. Someone help! I don't want to use P2K cuz it messes things up.
its cos its not recognising ur phone. if ur using xp service pack 2 it dosent wanna play ball. i think service pack 2 blocks the ports (i use bluetooth) ive been goin round in circles trying to get it workin but it wont. im really hoping moto fix this soon in their next live update. while theyre at it they can sort the problem of file transfer (when it actually has connected) being "denied by phone". aaaarrgh
That's what happens to me when my phone loses reception. nvkid909 has a point with WinXP users with SP2 installed. However, I recently bit the bullet and installed SP2 and then phone tools without a problem on my desktop - I already had it working on my laptop which does not have SP2 installed yet. I just wanted to see what would happen if I installed the tools with SP2. So you are sure your phone is getting good reception while you have it connected to your PC?
I'm not sure, someone mentioned that my connection might not be good, but i found it weird since I can do verything else EXCEPT the multimedia stuff. Man this sucks, i think i might have to try to reinstall all this crap again. Any other ideas? rockdawg, does it work for you now?
ok, it works now! thanks for the help guys! I didn't do anything differently except just deleted my profile and made a new one. WEird!
Hey, that's a good tip that I would have never thought of....deleting your profile and creating a new one. Thanks. OH and yes, Mobile Phone Tools works with Windows XP and SP2 least for me.
cheers i need more ideas on this. i installed MPT after i got SP-2 on, im in a good signal area (as suggested above).. i have tried uninstall but it wont let me, error message saying i should delete temporary internet files & check internet connection first - did that & still cant uninstall. my MPT has a mind of its own, today it has connected without any changes by me. i tried tones/pics transfer got the usual "denied by phone" message, followed by "connection terminated by phone". its off again now & im back to square one!